Thursday, May 20, 2010

comedy gold.

"my boyfriend doesn't believe this blog exists. plus he thinks i will only write in it for three days and then get bored. incorrect, sir. incorrect."

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

i left my heart in san francisco with some... club kids?

listening to old school nelly furtado this morning was fab but couldn't distract me from the fact that i was coming here.

i keep staring at my window, and you know what's outside it? a brick wall. nice.

my boyfriend doesn't believe this blog exists. plus he thinks i will only write in it for three days and then get bored. incorrect, sir. incorrect.

though i don't seem to have much to say today. i will say that i attempted to clean my shower walls last night with my wet swiffer and it was a hilarious failure.

Monday, December 29, 2008


William: catherine. i DIDNT create a blog for you
thats creepy and weird and youre egotistical

me: like its beyond you to be creepy

William: like its beyond you to be a freak show

why do i pee more at work than anywhere else?

so blogs. like livejournals, but for grownups. should i keep it private/semi- anonymous (total anonymity has been shot to hell already as D.R. knows all) or is it supposed to be sort of social? if it's sort of social, will i slip into passive aggressive journaling? (read: livejournal) ?

do i come off illiterate if i don't use capital letters? caps hurt my knuckles a little. doesn't seem worth it.

most important question about blogs: WHY did i attempt to sign up for one and find one already made for me? in june of 2008? with the name "kiki"? HMMMM?

these mysteries and more: to be solved, probably by future blogging and self-important reflection.